How can I add the Report created date as a column in my report?

Data Export has a field called "Order End Date", which will show the date when the report was created in a separate column.

This field will calculate the report created date based on the end date of the report.

For every automated daily, weekly and monthly schedules, the end date is the date when you receive the report.

So the report creation date = End date (Date when you receive the report).

For example, if a report is scheduled to be sent on the 1st of every month, the report created date will be the 1st August or 1st September and so on.

This date will be seen as a separate column in the report:

However, when you run the report manually with the start date as 09/01/2018 and the end date as 9/5/2018, then the report created date will be 9/5/2018.

This is because the "Order End Date" field will calculated based on the end date, which is 9/5/2018.

If you like the report created date to be the date when the report is exported for manual exports, then you can contact Data Export support team.

They will create a custom column and have the report show the report created date as the date when the report is exported.